At the back of the third burial vault in the Entry Corridor, the central sarcophagus has been moved out of the way and a 5 foot wide hole has been "clawed" open with visible claw marks throughout. Meandering through the soft stone a passage has been cut with several enlarged chambers within. The largest chamber has a 20 foot deep pit at the center.

Ghouls and ghasts of large humanoids (perhaps ogres) have done this work and remain as inhabitants in the ghoul tunnel, though they venture into the corridor and boneyard for food as they can acquire.

The pit in the center chamber contains a single, legless ogre sized ghoul - apparently punished by Lhessadrak for being responsible for digging the tunnel. PCs moving close to the wall away from the pit are mostly outside the reach of the giantish humanoid ghoul, but may be in reach at several points while attempting to circumvent this chamber.

The corridor completely bypasses the trapped Lich's Gate and opens just beside the repeating crossbow apparatus in the Gatehouse with the two skeletal champions in waiting.

Random Ghouls of the Tunnel:

Ghouls (1d6 + 2)

Ogre Ghouls (2 each)

Ogre Ghast (1 each)

Troll Ghoul (1 each)

Go to Part 6: the Gatehouse