At the bottom of the stairs of the Ascension Tower an open hallway to the north turns back to the west entering a 265 foot long hallway that is only 7 feet wide, limiting combat to single file. On the party's left hand side (south) are four open door ways that lead into burial vaults, each with five stone sarcophagi.

Each burial vault chamber is the same measuring 15 feet wide north to south and fifty feet wide east to west, with a ten foot wide opening from the entry corridor.

[10% chance that any sarcophagus that is disturbed will contain an undead monster; see random chart below.]

The third open burial vault reveals damage to its backwall that opens into an earthen tunnel beyond, one of the sarcophagi has been moved aside to allow passage.

The entry corridor turns south at the far west end to two stout iron doors reminiscent of a castle's main gateway.

If the party attempts to enter the main gate, go to Part 4: the Lich's Gate, at the first link below.

If the party chooses to enter the tunnel on the south wall of the third burial vault, go to the second link - Part 5: the Ghoul Tunnel.

Random Monster Chart for the Entry Corridor

Ghouls x 4 and 1 ghast

Shadows (1d6)

Wraiths (1d4)

Greater Shadows (2 each)

Go to Part 4: the Lich's Gate

Go to Part 5: the Ghoul Tunnel