The Skull Chapel is both the unholy worship chamber for Lhessadrak and his minions, as well as the primary repository of his chief henchman, which are lead by Lhessadrak's two sorceress vampire daughters, whose sarcophagi lie on either side of the altar access path - both facing an east-west direction unlike the other sarcophagi in this chamber.

The six sarcophagi closest to the entry and exit doors on the south end of the Skull Chapel contain Lhessadrak's chief warriors - six Death Knights, all fallen paladins of the Everlasting Light, who had become Blackguard, before undergoing the ritual to recreate them as Death Knights

The six sarcophagi flanking the Skull Altar, itself, just north of the two vampiress sarcophagi contain Lhessadrak's chief clerics. Each minion cleric are greater mummies.

Except for direct confrontations with Lhessadrak himself, this chamber should prove to be the most lethal to the adventuring party. TPK means a curse of undead on everyone, unless any can survive and escape.

Lhessadrak's Undead Minions (classed NPCs with various undead templates):

Death Knight - Blackguard 5th level (2 each)

Death Knight - Blackguard 7th level (2 each)

Death Knight - Blackguard 9th level (2 each)
Vampire Sorceresses 12th level (2 each)

Mummies - Cleric 8th level
(4 each)
Mummies - Cleric 10th level
(2 each)

Part 12: Library and Laboratory